Online practice tests

RISE+ is pleased to offer Maths and English practice tests for children in Years 3 to 7, across both primary and secondary school.
RISE+ practice tests cover a wide range of skill areas that will help you identify your learner’s areas of strength and areas where they can improve.

Maths practice tests

Our mathematics content has been constructed by the same education experts who have been involved in some of education’s most respected assessments.
improve math skills with maths practice tests
The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics.
Paul R. Halmos
Mathematician and statistician
Maths practice skills

Number and algebra

Measurement and geometry

Statistics and probability

English practice tests

Our online English English practice tests cover all literacy skills including reading, comprehension, spelling, vocabulary and punctuation. This mirrors what is being taught in school and provide learners opportunities to refine these skills.
improve math skills with english practice tests
“Literacy is the door to knowledge, essential to individual self-esteem and empowerment.”
Irina Bokova
Former Director-General of UNESCO
English practice skills


