RiSE+ NAPLAN-style practice tests closely match the real test experience. The questions are written in the NAPLAN-style and are delivered on an online platform.
There’s no better way for your child to feel confident and ready for NAPLAN.
RiSE+ NAPLAN-style practice tests closely match the real test experience. The questions are based on NAPLAN-topics and written in the NAPLAN-style.
Increase your child’s chances of achieving top-band results with hundreds of questions!
4 x Numeracy NAPLAN-style practice tests
3 x Reading NAPLAN-style practice tests
3 x Grammar NAPLAN-style practice tests
With NAPLAN-style questions for Maths and English, your child will experience the exam first-hand for their year level.
By building familiarity with assessment in an online format, to cultivate a sense of assurance and confidence pre assessment day.
Prepare your child for NAPLAN with numerous Maths and English practice tests, to build their skills and help them achieve their best.
Unfamiliar situations can be nerve-wracking, especially for children. RiSE+ is an online test platform to familiarise your child with the test environment and online question styles that are unique to the exam.
This can make them feel much more relaxed, comfortable, and confident on test day.
NAPLAN stands for the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy. It’s an annual standardised assessment administered by the Australian government to all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 across Australia. It tests the important skills essential for every student to progress through school and life, including reading, writing, spelling, grammar (English) and numeracy. The content of each test is informed by the Australian Curriculum.
NAPLAN helps parents understand how their child is progressing against national standards in literacy and numeracy and over time.
NAPLAN was previously held in the second week of May but has moved to mid-March from 2023.
In 2024, the NAPLAN testing window will be held from Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March.
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